The Chester E. and Marion D. Groth Scholarship
The Chester E. and Marion D. Groth Scholarship is for post-secondary students desiring to matriculate and pursue careers in music education, music performance, or music therapy. Application materials are below:
Scholarships will be awarded for tuition for the 2025-2026 school year. Previous recipients are eligible to reapply for the scholarship for up to three additional years or until a Bachelor’s Degree is earned, whichever occurs first. The purpose of this Fund is to award annual post-secondary scholarships for qualified students desiring to matriculate and pursue careers in music education, performance, or music therapy. These scholarships are made possible by the generous gift of Marion Groth on behalf of her husband, Chester. To be eligible to receive this scholarship, an applicant must:
• Be a graduating high school senior from a Minnesota high school.
• Be entering college as a freshman.
Applications must be received in the church office no later than noon, Thursday, February 20, 2025. Applicants will be notified if invited to a finalist audition on March 15, 2025. For more information, please contact the church office at 612-861-6086.
If you know someone who may be interested in this scholarship, please encourage them to apply.
2025-2026 Application materials:
2025-2026 Brochure: Groth Music Scholarship
2025-2026 Application: Cover, Groth Scholarship