Give Online
Tap or click to give electronically.
Thank you for supporting the ministries, operations, and outreach of Richfield UMC.
You're joining others to build the foundation of our mission together!
Special Giving
Tap or click to give electronically.
Join with others to make special gifts that benefit partner organizations and causes in missional alignment with the church.
We can make a difference together!
Give in Legacy
Tap or click to learn more.
You can designate Richfield UMC as a part of your legacy as you set up or adjust your will or trust so that your generosity will help build a bright future!
Giving Options:
- Online Anytime | Giving anytime by computer, tablet, or mobile device is simple and secure through our convenient online giving portal: Richfield UMC uses Vanco for processing payments, a trusted Minnesota company. If you already have automated online giving, you can still give online to special offerings at any time.
- Worship | You may place your gift in the offering plate as an act of worship. If you give, you may place one of the “I Give Online” cards in the offering plate as an act of worship.
- Annual Giving Commitment | Church members and participants are asked not only to be financial contributors to their church but to also provide an estimate of giving each year. This helps the clergy, staff, and elected leaders build an informed operations budget. Thank you for making your commitment to your church as we work to fulfill God’s mission in the world!
- Automated | Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) is the most-convenient way to give. At any time of the year, or on your Annual Giving Commitment Card in the fall, please provide your amount, frequency, and account information. Your gifts will be received regularly, even when you are out of town. This is the most sustaining and cost-effective way of committing your giving to your church, thank you!
- Mail | Gifts can be mailed to: Richfield United Methodist Church, c/o Business Office, 5835 Lyndale Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55419.
- Stock | You can also give to your church today with appreciated stocks and qualified charitable contributions. Contact the Business Office for more information: 612-861-6086.
- Legacy Giving | Legacy Giving is a future-focused way to enhance your lifetime commitment and stewardship of your church with planned giving. Invest in the story by remembering your church in your will, trust, IRA accounts, and life insurance designations. To learn more about additional giving options and Legacy Giving, check the box on your Commitment Card and/or please contact Kathy Gertsema, Business & Administration Coordinator, at 612-861-6086.