
Film Theology

First Wednsdays at 7:00 pm
Hybrid (email for login details)
Discuss God, faith, and life over a tasty beverage in this drop-in group for members and the community.

Pub Theology

First Sundays at 7:00 pm
In-Person Only

Discuss God, faith, and life over a tasty beverage in this drop-in group for members and the community.

Worship Leader Class

Quarterly Hybrid (email to register)
Get creative! Workshop prayer writing, public speaking, and train to be a worship liturgist in a supportive environment.

Women's Bible Study

Tuesdays at 9:30am
Online-Only (email for login details)

Read and respond to various books of the bible, check-in with other women for mutual support.

Men's Bible Study

Wednesdays at 9:00am
Hybrid (email for login details)
Read and respond to next Sunday's worship scripture,watch videos, and check-in with other men for mutual support.

Men's Support Group

Saturdays at 8:30am
Online-Only (email for login details)

Check-in with other mean for mutual support through both life's many challenges and celebrations.

Women Who Read

First Mondays at 1:30pm
Online-Only (email for login details)

Read and respond to a new book each month and check-in with other women for mutual support.

Time for LIFE

Second Thursdays at 1:00pm
Usually Hybrid (email for login details)

Guest speakers (and sometimes a dessert - RSVP!) during this Time of Learning, Inspiration, and Fellowship for Everyone.

Pastoral Care Teams

Ongoing Team Opportunity
A group of trained and trusted church members reach out to give care to all in need of connection.
Email to give/receive care.