2024 Summer Movie Nights
Wednesdays in July, Movies start at 5pm, bring your dinner and eat during the movie. We’ll have snacks too! Great family fun!
July 10
Ice Age
2002 PG 1 hour, 21 minutes
20th Century Fox / Disney
July 17
Inside Out
2015 G 1 hour, 35 minutes
Pixar / Disney
July 24
Fantastic Mister Fox
2009 PG 1 hour, 27 minutes
20th Century Fox
July 31
Charlotte’s Web
2006 PG 1 hour, 37 minutes
Ministry for children at all life stages is a critical part of the mission of the church.
Nursing Mothers:
You may nurse wherever you like. There is also a reserved Nursing Room available on Sunday mornings and various times throughout the week near the Library area.
Toddler Sunday School
On first Sundays, toddlers gather for a Bible storybook collection, some play time, and a snack. Your RSVP helps us plan better!
Sunday School (Pre-K-6th Graders):
Following the Time with Children in worship, children are welcome to remain for worship or go to Sunday School on 2nd-5th Sundays. Games, lessons, music, crafts, take-home materials, and other content are typically tied to the same scripture readings featured in worship so families can talk about their Sunday experiences together. Gatherings are outdoors when weather permits.
About Children and Worship:
Your family is always welcome in worship! There are many options to help your family have a good experience:
- Online Families | Contact us for children’s bulletins and coloring sheets.
- Art Cart | Older children can fill a bag with items in The Nook to bring with them to worship.
- 1st Sundays of the Month | Children and adults lead worship side-by-side together. Children lead the liturgy and prayers, read the scripture text, and serve Holy Communion, and the Children’s Choir sings special music. There is no Sunday School on Children First Sundays. Nursery Care is still available. This worship leadership style resumes in 2023.
- The Nook | A Space connected to the Sanctuary, perfect for having a quiet moment.
- Time with Children | Children of all ages are welcome to come to the chancel steps to experience a message just for them. Parents are welcome to join their children and are encouraged to use this moment as a launchpad to speak openly with their children about developing and living out their faith.

Special Events
Children receive a Bible when they are baptized, at the age of 3, and when they’re in 3rd Grade.
Children of all ages are welcome for Holy Communion.
Vacation Bible Camp (VBC) is June 24-28, Summer Movie Nights (July), service projects, family gatherings, and other special events happen all year long.
Online Resources for Kids
Families have online resources for kids to have fun and develop their faith. Due to copyright, not all of our typical curriculum can be posted here, but you can get on our mailing list for full access when you contact us, thanks!
Here are some recommended resources for you:
Amplify Media has amazing videos for kids and families to watch together and talk about faith lessons!
Cokesbury’s Deep Blue Adventure Videos are online for free!
Illustrated Ministry has a free online resource, if you sign up!
Crayola always has the absolute best coloring pages to print!
Talk with your kids about the Covid-19 pandemic!
Talk with your kids about racism and anti-racism!
Faith5 helps families share, read, talk, pray, and bless together!