
Youth Group has cool people like you!

Teenagers journey through life together, knowing God loves them!

Youth Group | 7th-12th Graders
Wednesdays, 7:30pm-8:30pm in the Grace Room (September-May)
Teens gather for a two-part evening of a fun/goofy/hang out time and then a faith formation time. You may bring a friend and all are welcome.

Confirmation | 7th-9th Graders
(Last session was 2nd and 4th Sundays, 10:45 am-11:45 am in the Grace  Room)
Teens participate in Confirmation for a ministry designed to help youth explore faith and articulate their own faith journey. They work with a mentor in the life of the church, the youth director, clergy team, and servant volunteers throughout the year. Topics include Christianity 101, Methodism, the Bible, and putting faith into action.

About Teens and Worship:
You are always welcome in worship. Attention is given to select songs and liturgy that have inclusive language, an expanded understanding of love and welcome, and center historically marginalized voices. Sermons often use contemporary illustrations and examples in authentic ways. For example, when Pastor Nate mentions in a sermon that he’s on PlayStation, he actually means it.

1st Sundays of the Month | Teens and adults lead worship side-by-side together. Teens lead the liturgy and prayers, read the scripture text, and serve Holy Communion, and the Children’s Choir sings special music.

Tech Crew | Teens with skills and passion in technology are welcome and encouraged to be part of the worship tech crew. They help run the slides, sound, and cameras, plus the livestream feed that goes out to the church YouTube channel and PhoneLive Streaming for touch tone phone.

Special Events

Teens receive a Bible when they enter the Confirmation program.

Teens are welcome to serve in worship.

Mission trips, field trips, outreach and service projects, lock-ins and parties, and other special events are on a periodic basis. Reach out to learn more.

Online Resources

Youth can sign up for Amplify Media for funny and meaningful videos about life and faith. 

In 2020, we had a virtual mission trip that is still available for you.

Faith5 helps families share, read, talk, pray, and bless together!