Welcome to Pub Theology, a ministry of Richfield United Methodist Church.

Pub Theology
First Sundays
October – June
Current Schedule:
Pub Theology is on hiatus for the first part of 2025!

Pub Theology is a fun drop-in opportunity for neighbors ages 21+ to gather and discuss faith, God, church, the Bible, and life over a tasty beverage.
Millennials, Gen X, Boomers, and the Silent Gen come together for a low-key, welcoming place to get to know each other.
Pub Theology is organized by Pastor Nate.
Read on to learn about our ground rules, format, locations, sample questions, and our schedule for this drop-in monthly time to “talk God.”
What is the Pub Theology format?
Participants tend to arrive in those first few minutes, make an order if they wish, pick up a discussion sheet, and settle in for a good time. We typically kick off with a fun, low-stakes icebreaker question and then move into the Launching Pad. This sheet has scripture, discussion questions, and quotations meant to get the ball rolling. Some questions are lighter in nature, others are as deep as it gets–it all depends on the mood of the group. On occasion we collect questions from those who are gathered in a sort of “pull from the hat” opportunity.
What are the Pub Theology rules?
1. Listen first.
2. Respect each person.
3. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.
4. Pub Theology does not endorse or condemn any single theological perspective nor any single beverage in any given flight.
5. Be polite, clean up your mess, and tip well.
When and where does Pub Theology meet and where do I park?
We meet on first Sundays at 7:00pm at Davanni’s Pizza and Hoagies (6345 Penn Ave S, Richfield, MN 55423) Pub Theology is not sponsored, endorsed by, or sanctioned by any venue; we simply seek quality venue spaces with great staff, tasty beverages, and an affordable menu.
What happens if no one shows up?
If no participants have arrived by 7:15pm, the convener will cancel the event.
Can I purchase food there?
Davanni’s has a full food and beverage menu.
Am I required to buy/consume alcohol at Pub Theology?
What if I do?
As witnesses of Richfield UMC, all participants are expected to be responsible with their beverage choices and it is the responsibility of each person gathered to hold each other accountable to this expectation. Also, tip!
What is The United Methodist Church’s position on alcohol consumption?
United Methodists may consume alcohol. Alcoholism and its effects on families and society is serious business and alcohol consumption must be taken just as seriously. From the Social Principles section of our UM Book of Discipline:
“We affirm our long-standing support of abstinence from alcohol as a faithful witness to God’s liberating and redeeming love for persons. We support abstinence from the use of any illegal drugs. Since the use of illegal drugs, as well as illegal and problematic use of alcohol, is a major factor in crime, disease, death, and family dysfunction, we support educational programs as well as other prevention strategies encouraging abstinence from illegal drug use and, with regard to those who choose to consume alcoholic beverages, judicious use with deliberate and intentional restraint, with Scripture as a guide.”
Read more about our call to keep children and youth free of alcohol and drugs, and the full Social Principles statement in the UM Book of Resolutions.
Launching Pad Sampler:
Here’s a list of sample questions you might find at Pub Theology meetings. How do you respond? What other questions are you led to from here? Take a look…
Old Testament = Wrathful, angry God. New Testament = Loving, caring God. Too true or too simplified?
Is it better to be a person who is steadfast and unchanging or one who continually adapts and changes? What about God?
Do “thoughts and prayers” do any good? What are they for? How do you “do” them?
Which matters more to your faith: Christmas or Easter?
What is the earliest Bible story you learned?
What does church look like at its best? At its worst?
Jesus told his followers, “Do not worry about tomorrow, what you will eat or drink.” Is this good advice to give a single parent who is late on rent?
Do you judge the judgmental