Sermons are collected in chronological order with the most-recent at the top. Long-press or right-click the bulletin cover to view it full size. You are welcome to download/share any bulletin cover, just please don’t alter them or remove the branding, thank you. To look up a sermon by title, preacher, scripture, or date, search with “Find in Page” in your mobile browser or use the browser search function from your PC or Mac.
Sermon Archives by Year: 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019
Sermons are listed as follows:
Sermon Title
Worship Series
Scripture Text
Confirmation 101 | 09.10.2023-09.24.2023
A Great Way | 10.01.2023-10.29.2023
Leap of Faith | 11.05.2023-11.26.2023
Light of the World | 12.03.2023-12.31.2023
Intro to Jesus | 01.07.2024-02.11.2024
Notable Narrativs | 02.18.2024-04.14.2024
Grammar of God | 04.21.2023-05.19.2023
Summer Splash | 05.25.2024-09.01.2024
Sermons are available as YouTube videos.

In 2023-2024, Richfield United Methodist Church begins a one-year worship series: CALLINGS. Faith isn’t just an hour a week on Sundays. It’s an everyday way of life. Faith is core to who we are. We are called to live boldly on the journey with the God who has faith in us every step of the way. Wherever life takes us, let us jump in with a commitment to life in faith, justice, and joy.
The CALLINGS worship series is made of 8 miniseries that honor the seasons of the church such as Advent and Lent while exploring several themes in the overture of our lives. The series explores how we as individuals and as the church are capable to grow in love of God and neighbor, reach new people, and heal a broken world. Spiritual practices, events, and media will help bring your weekend worship experience into your weekday living with prayer, journaling, daily devotionals, book studies, and video series to watch at your own pace with Amplify Media.
Full-Time Faith | 09.11.2022-10.09.2022
All Together Now | 10.16.2022-11.06.2022
I Serve God | 11.13.2022-11.20.2022
Tidings of Comfort and Joy | 11.27.2022-12.25.2022
Half Truths | 01.01.2023-01.29.2023
For God So Loved the World | 02.05.2023-02.19.2023
Unwavering Love | 02.26.2023-04.09.2023
Less Mess | 04.16.2023-0.07.2023
Music Splash / Pentecost | 05.14.2023-05.28.2023
So Many Questions | Summer 2023
Summer at the Movies | Summer 2023
Sermons are available as YouTube videos.

HALF TRUTHS | January/February 2023

There are simple phrases that sound like they’re in the Bible and capture an element of truth, yet they miss the point. Cliché phrases like “God won’t give you more than you can handle” can end up hurting instead of helping. This series compares common Christian clichés with scriptural wisdom to find God’s truth. Based on the book Half Truths by Rev. Adam Hamilton.

We thank God for eternal love for the world in these few weeks between the seasons of Epiphany and Lent. The truth of John 3:16 isn’t just a cliché catchphrase, it’s a reminder that God is for all people. Guest preachers and musicians help us expand our narrow scope of the world to see new experiences for how others experience the holy.
The Gift
For God So Loved the World 1/2
Romans 8:1-11
John 3:16-17
Rev. Cynthia Williams
District Superintendent
Hearing and Doing
For God So Loved the World 2/2
James 1:19-27
Rev. Jerad Morey
UNWAVERING LOVE | March/April 2023 (Lent)

We are blessed to be the children of a God of unwavering love. When we love others, God is there. When we mess up, God is there. When we face the odds, God is there. This is a Lenten season deep dive on the passion story of Jesus leading to Easter in a series inspired by Prof. Amy-Jill Levine’s book and video series, Entering the Passion. Go deeper and watch the supplemental video series on Amplify.
Jerusalem: Risking Reputation
Unwavering Love 1/6
Matthew 21:1-11
Rev. Nate Melcher
The Temple: Risking Righteous Anger
Unwavering Love 2/6
Mark 11:16-19
Rev. Nate Melcher
Teachings: Risking Challenge
Unwavering Love 3/6
Matthew 21:23-27,
Matthew 22:15-22,
Matthew 22:34-40
Rev. Nate Melcher
The First Dinner: Risking Rejection
Unwavering Love 4/6
John 12:1-8
Rev. Hope Hutchison
The Last Supper: Risking the Loss of Friendship
Unwavering Love 5/6
Luke 22:14-27
Rev. Nate Melcher
Gethsemane: Risking Temptation
Unwavering Love 6/6
Palm Sunday
Mark 14:32-50
Rev. Nate Melcher
So Many Questions!
Easter Sunday
John 20:1-18
Rev. Nate Melcher
LESS MESS | April/May 2023

Life can get messy. There’s no promise that life won’t have tough times, but God does promise to be with us no matter what. Each one of our experiences, both mistakes and achievements, teach us. God wants us to learn and grow. This series is inspired by the book Restored: Finding Redemption in Our Mess by Bishop Tom Berlin. Go deeper and watch the supplemental video series on Amplify.
Who Left This Mess?
Less Mess 2/6
Luke 7:1-10
Rev. Nate Melcher
Bless This Mess
Less Mess 3/6
Acts 9:1-20
Rev. Nate Melcher
No Messing Around
Less Mess 4/6
Colossians 3:1-17
Rev. Nate Melcher
Address This Mess
Less Mess 5/6
Galatians 5:22b-26
Rev. Nate Melcher
HEARTS ON FIRE | Summer Holiday Sundays 2023
Half Truth #1: “Everything happens for a reason.”
Half Truths 1/5
Genesis 45:1-11,
Genesis 50:20-21
Rev. Nate Melcher
Half Truth #2:
“God helps those who help themselves.”
Half Truths 2/5
Psalm 13,
Psalm 121
Rev. Nate Melcher
Half Truth #3: “God won’t give you more than you can handle.”
Half Truths 3/5
1 Corinthians 10:13
Psalm 46:1-2
Rev. Nate Melcher
Half Truth #4: “God said it, I believe it, that settles it.”
Half Truths 4/5
Deuteronomy 23:12-14
Rev. Nate Melcher
Half Truth #5: “Love the sinner, hate the sin.”
Half Truths 5/5
Matthew 7:1-5
Rev. Nate Melcher

These sermons are inspired by Acts of the Apostles 2, where we read about the disciples encountering the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. This three-part sermon preached over the summer explores Acts 2 in its entirety.
Worship during the “Hearts on Fire” series are online-only during the holiday weekends of Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day.
How Is It That We Hear?
Pentecost 1/3
Acts 2:1-12
Rev. Nate Melcher
What Does This Mean?Pentecost 2/3
Acts 2:12-21
Rev. Nate Melcher
What Should We Do?Pentecost 3/3
Acts 2:37-47
Rev. Nate Melcher

These sermons are inspired by pairing a scripture reading with a Simon and Garfunkel song and exploring their shared themes.
Worship during the “I AM a Rock” series are outdoors-only at the Richfield Bandshell and Lake Harriet Bandshell and they were not recorded for the archives.
Is religion ending?
So Many Questions 1/9
Matthew 28:16-20
Rev. Nate Melcher
Will the Bible Ever Change?
So Many Questions 2/9
John 21:15-25
Rev. Nate Melcher
What makes a Methodist?
So Many Questions 3/9
Philippians 3:7-14
Rev. Hope Hutchison
What is prayer for?
So Many Questions 4/9
Psalm 4
Rev. Nate Melcher
How do I put faith into action?
So Many Questions 5/9
James 2:14-26
Rev. Hope Hutchison
What does the Bible say about heaven?
So Many Questions 6/9
Matthew 13:24-33, 44-53
Rev. Nate Melcher
What does the Bible say about hell?
So Many Questions 7/9
Matthew 25:31-46
Rev. Nate Melcher
Why is forgiveness hard?
So Many Questions 8/9
Matthew 18:15-22
Rev. Nate Melcher
Why are Christians hypocrites?
So Many Questions 9/9
Matthew 5:1-16
Rev. Nate Melcher
I AM A ROCK: GOD, SIMON, AND GARFUNKEL | Summer Outdoor Bandshell Worship 2023

These sermons are inspired by pairing a scripture reading with a Simon and Garfunkel song and exploring their shared themes.
Worship during the “I AM a Rock” series are outdoors-only at the Richfield Bandshell and Lake Harriet Bandshell and they were not recorded for the archives.
It’s on the Syllabus
I AM a Rock: God, Simon, and Garfunkel 1/3
Micah 6:6-8
Rev. Nate Melcher
(in-person only,
no archive)
The Roads We Walk
I AM a Rock: God, Simon, and Garfunkel 2/3
Luke 15:11-32
Rev. Nate Melcher
(in-person only,
no archive)
The Window
I AM a Rock: God, Simon, and Garfunkel 3/3
Romans 12:1-21
Rev. Nate Melcher
(in-person only,
no archive)
CONFIRMATION 101 | September 2023

Being a United Methodist means putting faith into action. Learn key spiritual practices that help us confirm our faith in God. See how we read scripture through the lenses of reason, tradition, and experience. Consider how three simple rules can build a life of serving God. Discover the value of mustard seed-sized faith. The series concludes with celebrating young people becoming church members on Confirmation Sunday.
Three Simple Rules
Confirmation 101 1/3
1 Cor. 13:1-13
Rev. Nate Melcher
Three Ways of Wonder
Confirmation 101 2/3
Philippians 4:4-9
Rev. Nate Melcher
One Mustard Seed-Sized Faith
Confirmation 101 3/3
Matthew 13:31-32
Rev. Nate Melcher
A GREAT WAY | October 2023

We serve a great God! Through the teachings of Jesus, we have a great Way to love God and neighbor as the church. In this financial stewardship-focused series, we’ll explore the great teachings of Jesus, celebrate the church’s accomplishments and look ahead to our 170th anniversary next year. Come and experience milestones together such as the annual fall food drive, Bible Sunday, and honoring our church members ages 90+.
The Great Commission
A Great Way 1 of 5
Matthew 28:16-20
Rev. Nate Melcher
The Great Commandment
A Great Way 2 of 5
Luke 10:25-37
Rev. Nate Melcher
The Great Proclamation
A Great Way 3 of 5
Luke 4:16-21
Rev. Nate Melcher
The Great Requirement
A Great Way 4 of 5
Micah 6:6-8
Rev. Nate Melcher
The Great Way
A Great Way 5 of 5
John 14:1-6
Rev. Nate Melcher
LEAP OF FAITH | November 2023

The Old Testament book of Ruth is a beautiful story of courage, friendship, and faithfulness. In a 4-part series that covers all 4 chapters, we will read the inspirational redemption and delightful humor of this uplifting story. Witness the power of “found family.” Rejoice in the welcoming of refugees. And let the friendship of Ruth and Naomi move you to strengthen your own relationships.
Where You Go, I Will Go
Leap of Faith 1/4
Ruth 1:1-22
Rev. Nate Melcher
The Ways God Sees
Leap of Faith 2/4
Ruth 2:1-13
Rev. Nate Melcher
Seeing Each Other
Leap of Faith 3/4
Ruth 3:1-9
Rev. Hope Hutchison
A Hidden Prelude
Leap of Faith 4/4
Ruth 4:4-9, 13-22
Rev. Nate Melcher
LIGHT OF THE WORLD | Advent 2023

There is something magical about the season of Advent. We search for hope. We yearn for peace. We welcome joy. And we share love. As we count down the days leading to Christmas, we will seek out the presence of Jesus, the light of the world, everywhere we go. Enjoy Advent traditions such as lighting the Advent wreath, the Christmas Pageant, and Lessons and Carols. Christmas Eve worship is at 9:30 am and 4:00 pm.
Christmas Stories
Light of the World 1/3
Isaiah 43
Gail Johnson
A Special Gift
Light of the World 2/3
Luke 2
Rev. Hope Hutchison
Advent Around Us
Light of the World 3/3
Luke 2
Rev. Nate Melcher
Christmas Quiz
Christmas Eve 9:30am
Luke 2
Rev. Nate Melcher
Christmas Quiz
Christmas Eve 4:00pm
Luke 2
Rev. Nate Melcher
Experience sermons live on Sundays and by podcast.
Senior Pastor Nate Melcher is known for crafting sermons with humor and depth. His preaching weaves closely to a scripture text and features illustrations that appeal across generations. He combines his M.Div theology degree with his MFA in Creative Writing and BA in Film Studies, as well as his training in improv comedy, to deliver sermons intended to be relatable, meaningful, and actionable.
Pastor Nate preaches thematically-linked worship series at typically 4-7 weeks each (catch up on the latest series with sermon podcasts). In every worship service, the sermon offers a mix of pastoral care in the midst of challenge, prophetic vision for a justice-filled world, and a call to action.