Sermons are collected in chronological order with the most-recent at the top. Long-press or right-click the bulletin cover to view it full size. You are welcome to download/share any bulletin cover, just please don’t alter them or remove the branding, thank you. To look up a sermon by title, preacher, scripture, or date, search with “Find in Page” in your mobile browser or use the browser search function from your PC or Mac.
Sermons are listed as follows:
Sermon Title
Worship Series
Scripture Text
A Time to Act | 06.30.2019-07.28.2019
Calling All Apostles | 08.04.2019-09.01.2019
The Neighborhood | 09.08.2019-10.20.2019
Invest in the Story | 10.27.2019-11.24.2019
Value Love | 12.01.2013-12.29.2019
A Fresh Start | 01.05.2020-02.23.2020
True Grace | 02.26.2020-04.19.2020
Every Move I Make | 04.26.2020-05.31.2020
So Many Questions | Summer 2020
Summer at the Movies | Summer 2020
Sermons are audio (pre-March 15) or YouTube videos.

VALUE LOVE (Advent) / CHRISTMAS EVE | December 2019

Value Mysterious Love
Value Love 5/5
Rev. Nate Melcher
Acts 12:1-24

A New Hope 4:00pm
Christmas Eve, 10:00pm
Rev. Nate Melcher
Nativity Story

Value Brave Love
Value Love 4/5
Rev. Nate Melcher
Acts 11:19-30

Value Inclusive Love
Value Love 3/5
Rev. Nate Melcher
Acts 10:30-48

Value Responsive Love
Value Love 2/5
Rev. Ruth Phelps
Acts 10:17-29

Value Expansive Love
Value Love 1/5
Rev. Nate Melcher
Acts 10:1-16
INVEST IN THE STORY | October/November 2019

Invest in the Foundation
Invest in the Story 4/5
Rev. Nate Melcher
Acts 9:26-31

Invest in the Risk
Invest in the Story 3/5
Rev. Nate Melcher
Acts 9:26-31

Invest in the Legacy
Invest in the Story 2/5
Rev. Nate Melcher
Acts 9:1-19a

Invest in the Promise
Invest in the Story 1/5
Rev. Nate Melcher
Acts 8:26-40
THE NEIGHBORHOOD | September/October 2019

Rallying Point
The Neighborhood 7/7
Rev. Nate Melcher
Acts 8:4-13

Tongues and Ears
The Neighborhood 6/7
Rev. Nate Melcher
Acts 8:1-3

The Cost of Discipleship
The Neighborhood 5/7
Rev. Hope Hutchison
Acts 7:51-8:1

Are These Things So?
The Neighborhood 4/7
Rev. Nate Melcher
Acts 6:8-7:50

You and You and Who
The Neighborhood 3/7
Rev. Nate Melcher
Acts 5:12-16

Jesus Out Loud
The Neighborhood 2/7
Rev. Nate Melcher
Acts 5:17-42

The Art of Neighboring
The Neighborhood 1/5
Rev. Nate Melcher
Acts 5:12-16
CALLING ALL APOSTLES | August/September 2019

The Empty Canvas
Calling All Apostles 5/5
Rev. Nate Melcher
Acts 5:1-11
09.01.2019 (No Audio)

Great Power & Grace
Calling All Apostles 4/5
Rev. Wayne Albertson
Acts 4:32-37
08.25.2019 (No Audio)

Center and Margins
Calling All Apostles 3/5
Rev. Nate Melcher
Acts 4:1-31
08.18.2019 (No Audio)

Pass It On
Calling All Apostles 2/5
Rev. Nate Melcher
Acts 3:11-26
08.11.2019 (No Audio)

The Touch
Calling All Apostles 1/5
Rev. Nate Melcher
Acts 3:1-10
08.04.2019 (No Audio)
A TIME TO ACT | June/July 2019

Back to the Future
A Time to Act 4/5
Rev. Nate Melcher
Acts 2:22-36

Sharing the Spirit
A Time to Act 3/5
Rev. Nate Melcher
Acts 2:1-21
07.14.2019 (No Audio)

The In Crowd
A Time to Act 2/5
Rev. Nate Melcher
Acts 1:12-26

Brave Space
A Time to Act 1/5
Rev. Nate Melcher
Acts 1:1-11
Hear the Word live on Sundays and by podcast.
Senior Pastor Nate Melcher is known for crafting sermons with humor and depth. His preaching weaves closely to a scripture text and features illustrations that appeal across generations. He combines his M.Div theology degree with his MFA in Creative Writing and BA in Film Studies, as well as his training in improv comedy, to deliver sermons intended to be relatable, meaningful, and actionable.
Pastor Nate preaches thematically-linked worship series at typically 4-7 weeks each (catch up on the latest series with sermon podcasts). In every worship service, the sermon offers a mix of pastoral care in the midst of challenge, prophetic vision for a justice-filled world, and a call to action.